SSIC’s CEO Divulges Company’s Past Appointments

mohammad rezvanifar news

SSIC’s CEO Divulges Company’s Past Appointments

dr-rezvani-farheekhtegan (13)

SSIC’s CEO Divulges Company’s Past Appointments

The CEO of Social Security Organization Investment Company (SSIC) referred to elections and appointments in the board of directors of SSIC companies and said, “We manage a national complex, but we did not color individuals red or blue, and they were elected based on their qualifications and capabilities in accordance with the enterprise they would like to enter.  There are members from all political and intellectual currents from all over the country in the boards of directors.”

According to ISNA reports, Mohammed on Rezvanifar on a live broadcast on Instagram stated that it had been 2 years since Dr. Shariatmadari took responsibility and is present in the Ministry of Welfare and delegated the management of SSIC to this humble servant and said, “In this period the principle of the governance of transparency took over all the decisions made, and all the latest changes and data have been uploaded to SSIC’s site.’

He added, “These have happened in a complex where data and statements had not been revealed. By publicizing the list and combination of the boards of directors of companies, the possibility of criticism was provided, which is very good. This important fact was achieved through Dr. Shariatmadari and his team’s bravery and boldness in creating transparency.’

The CEO of SSIC pointed to elections and appointments of the boards of directors in SSIC companies and said, “We manage a national complex, but we did not color individuals red or blue, and they were elected based on their qualifications and capabilities in accordance with the enterprise they would like to enter.  There are members from all political and intellectual currents from all over the country in the boards of directors.”

Rezvanifar added, “If there is success and ascites net profit grows 14 times compared with the same period 2 years ago, and in the first half of this year many of our holding companies achieve a net profit as much as their total profit during last year, and the number of our unprofitable companies goes down to six or seven from 40, these are all the results of recruiting such members in the combination of the boards of directors of companies.”

He added, “Any complex that has begun revising itself may sure have shortcomings in such processes as appointments. What you must notice is the fact that we are speaking of a company in which there exists no piece of paper about its previous appointments, and even at some point in time 240 people were appointed overnight only by means of a common official memorandum.”

Rezvanifar added, “But now the procedure for making decisions is transparent and based on corporate governance principles, and the interference of beneficiaries in final decision is in accordance with clear-cut instructions.”

The CEO of SSIC stated that about 75% of the appointed members in the boards of directors of companies hold and M.A. or M.S. degree and above, whereas this figure was below 50% in previous periods and said, “The average age of the members of the boards of directors of companies has depleted to 43 from 57 years.”

Rezvanifar insisted that should a complex want to use its full potential, there is no limit to the input, and all the beneficiaries from state managers to national managers to representatives and others can all nominate themselves for membership in the formation of the boards of directors.”

Mentioning the design of a system called the Uniform System of Managers and Appointments, he said, “People can upload their résumés to this system; when the process is finished, we have two bylaws to continue the process. According to one bylaw, each person is given a score based on his or her education, university of degree, working experience, track record of membership in the board of directors etc.”

The CEO of SSIC continued, “We have a bylaw that specifies what scores each company has; a score will be abstracted away for each company, and the criterion for the entrance of each individual into the board of directors of each company is that the person’s score must be higher than the company’s score. The bylaw and instructions are clear.”

Rezvanifar further stated, “Then, based on the highest scores, people’s plans are received and he or she will enter the appointments committee of the holding company, and if he or she received the approval, he or she will be present in the board of directors of the holding company and need to received the approval of the board of directors as well. All the documents in the frame of a uniform booklet will be given to the appointments committee of SSIC as the holding company’s suggestion after the approval of the committee and the board of directors and all of the person’s scores and records will be verified, and he or she will be confirmed or rejected.”

Pointing to the fact that the person, after enquiry from the security department and receiving the covenant, will be employed to work, he said, “The person must sign general and specific Commitments in the frame of a covenant contract. In fact, a lucid procedure goes on.”

The CEO of SSIC went on, “The day we began the transparency of appointments procedure, virtually nothing existed as personnel file for the board of directors, but today a comprehensive file about all the appointments by companies has been uploaded to the site and is available. Also, what the criterion is for making decisions about entering and remaining in the board of directors or otherwise is the performance and the bottom line that is issued for the person.”

Rezvanifar stated that in business management a board of directors has been elaborated based on the existing policies and strategies that incorporates young and experienced people with legal, industrial, financial, international etc. specialties and said, “If there is development scheme and worry about financing in a corporation, and a person with financial specialty is appointed to petrochemicals, he or she must not be criticized for not having petrochemical specialty. We need to scrutinize the formation of the board of directors.”

He added, “An extensive continuum of people with varying tastes have been employed, and if success has been achieved, it is because of the formation of the boards of directors.”

The CEO of SSIC uttered that we deem a body as disabled when it is not able to use parts of his or her physical or mental abilities and said, “If we are punctilious in our measurements and dismiss some people because of their different tastes, the body of companies will be paralyzed. A comprehensive look, more far-sightedness, and greater interaction competence are needed.  With Dr. Shariatmadari’s tact this possibility has been provided, and we ought to use up all the capacities apart from political orientations.”

“Rezvanifar insisted, “Our perspective on SSIC is a national one.”

In continuation, he talked about the uniform system of managers and appointments and said, “I advise that all the equivalent complexes to SSIC show what we show today and publicize their appointments. Yours truly has been working in economic enterprises for 22 years, and I am not oblivious of other groups. We do not claim perfection by any means, but we claim we are moving toward maturity and our balance is higher than before.”

The CEO of SSIC added, “We have about 40,000 registered records in this system. As it was said before, people upload their résumés to the site. All the procedures for studying people’s résumés in the appointments committee have been recorded in this site. The issued verdict, inquiries taken from the security department, university degrees etc. are all available in the system. In addition, the performance of the members of the board of directors in the frame of a report card with 24 indicators listed is available.”

He mentioned the entrance of SSIC into the stock market and said, “We are waiting for and welcome all possible criticisms of all the procedures with open arms. But what has been achieved is the result of the manpower employed. We cannot be compared with the past. Even so, the path will continue, and we seek to develop performance and transparency, and we are not afraid of the publicity of the information of our activities, but also judge it useful on our way to optimization.”

Rezvanifar continued, “We have had agricultural, green gold, black gold, red gold etc. eras in the past, but today is the era of colorless gold and manpower. Let us not color manpower and let the possibility of exploiting manpower be feasible for all complexes, regardless of competence, gender, geography of birth etc.”

As he said, female appointees have tripled in this period, but it is not a still optimal. Employing Sunni brothers also has become 4.5 times more than before. So we will continue this path and will use all the capacities and capabilities, and we will not compromise with anyone on our performance regarding business. Whenever people’s unscrupulousness and inability are proved, we will certainly decide about it.”

He added, “The cumulative profit of the holding subsidiaries in the first half of the year 1398 was about 9,200 billion tomans, which increased to 25,000 billion tomans in the first half of the year 1399, and a significant leap has occurred in the net profit, and it has become 4.5 times as much.”

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